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Notice of Change in the Daily Mass Schedule

Beginning on January 1, 2012, we will change our daily Mass schedule a bit. We will have the 8 AM Mass on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday (instead of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday, which didnĂ­t seem to make a lot of sense). Most of the time, a parish has one less daily Mass than the number of priests assigned to a parish, to allow one priest to be available in case there is a funeral. Technically, there are 3 priests assigned to OLM, since Fr. Marty and Monsignor are retired. In most other parishes that would mean only 2 daily Masses. However, we are lucky that we have Fr. Marty with us and he is so willing to help us out, so we are able to have three daily Masses most of the days of the week. To make it easier to remember when, we have decided to move the 8 AM to Monday, Wednesday and Friday for as long as it is possible for us to do so. Thank you for your understanding