Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I have two uncles who never talked to each other. Long ago they had a squabble over something relatively stupid. For years this had gone on, in fact it has become sort of a family joke. Every time there is a family event, like a wedding or reunion, those who are throwing the party always had to scramble to figure out how to seat them so they wouldn’t have to be near each other. I’m not sure why there had never been a reconciliation between them. Most likely it was all about ego and one brother having to admit that he might have been wrong to the other. So the feud continued and the ones who paid for it were the family who loved them both, but often had to do a juggling act just to keep the peace. That’s sad isn’t it, and a bit selfish? I wonder what Jesus would say about this kind of behavior? Well in fact this weekend’s gospel gives us an insight into what Jesus has to say about this kind of behavior and more.

The beatitudes themselves on the surface speak about the attitudes that Jesus feels his followers should live according to in order to be his follower. But if we delve deeper into this gospel we can see that undergirding each of these attitudes is a sense of humility before God and our brothers and sisters. With that in mind, we can read the beatitudes a little differently. For instance, it’s only when we are truly humble and poor in spirit before the God who made us, that we can inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. It’s only when we are humble enough in our mourning to let people in and show them that we need them that we truly can be comforted. It’s only when we make ourselves meek like a child that we can truly inherit God’ bountiful blessings. And so on. It is only when we recognize that we are powerless before God and acknowledge that we need God’s help in all things that we can truly build the Kingdom in our midst. The same is true of our need for our brothers and sisters. It’s only when I stop striving for power or cease trying to have power over others, that we truly can be blessed. It’s only when I let go of my ego that I really can find true happiness and the Kingdom God promises.

So how do we come to that humility that Jesus is calling us to? I think the answer to that question is easy and hard at the same time. First, it’s easy because we already know the answer. We have to tame our pride and restrain our egos. The hard part is that as easy as it is to identify what prevents us from being humble before God, it’s also one of the most difficult thing to do. Our first inclination is self preservation and that drive to protect ourselves which often leads us into temptation. Let’s go back to my uncles. What is it that kept them from reconciling – simple, pride. Neither of them could admit their fault let alone seek reconciliation because it would have meant that one of them, (if not, both), would need to humble himself before the other. So who suffered? We their family and ultimately themselves. How happy the peacemakers would be if only they were humble enough to admit their wrong at times!

Where does your ego hold you back from having the attitude that would bring you closer to heaven? Where does your pride and ego keep you from loving God and your neighbor? Just some questions for us to ponder this week. As easy as it may be to identify these traits, how hard it is conquer them. Good thing God is on our side and always waiting to help if we ask!

                                                   Fr. Steve

P.S. Next week we will welcome the 5th Bishop of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, Bishop John Barres (pronounced Barris ). We thank Bishop William Murphy for his devoted care to the people of the Diocese of Rockville Centre as he retires. Some of you have been enquiring about tickets for the installation of Bishop Barres at our Cathedral on Tuesday. Unfortunately for tickets are available, but the events; both the Prayer Service the evening before and the Mass of Installation on Tuesday will be aired live. Telecare will provide complete coverage of the entire installation. For the Evening Vespers service on Monday, January 30, 2017, coverage will begin at 6:45 pm. For the Mass of Installation on January 31, 2017, coverage will begin at 1:15 pm. Telecare can be seen on Optimum 29/137, Verizon FiOS 296, and Charter Spectrum 471.